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flat file format in Chinese

How to pronounce "flat file format"

Translationmobile phoneMobile

  • [网络] 平面文件格式;一般影像档案格式


  • flat file format dynamic options
  • Some of the properties listed are configurable only for some flat file formats
  • If all suppliers agree to provide their item data in a common flat file format, the company could use a distributed file system
  • The package loads xml data, obtains a subset of the data by using an xpath operation, transforms the data to a standard flat file format using an xslt operation, and finally writes the data to a text file
What is the meaning of flat file format in Chinese and how to say flat file format in Chinese? flat file format Chinese meaning, flat file format的中文flat file format的中文flat file format的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.